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“Captain Fantastic” tritt ab: Stimmen zum Karriereende von Steven Gerrard

Das Karrierende von Gerrard lässt auch außerhalb Liverpools verständlicherweise niemanden kalt, wie zahlreiche Statements aus der internationalen Fußballszene zeigen.

Ob Klubs, ehemalige wichtige Weggefährten, Mitspieler, Rivalen, Legenden, Young Gungs oder Kommentatoren – die Fußball-Welt verneigt sich vor Steven Gerrard. You’ll Never Walk Alone.

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@stevengerrard The first time I met you was at England training camp nervous as anything wondering if I'd enjoy myself and you were the first to greet me. You showed me a lot of love and said I'd do well at Liverpool. A couple of months later I was signing on the dotted line at Liverpool and low and behold the first player to greet me at melwood was. Without you a lot of the achievements I've had at Liverpool wouldn't have happened without your pinpoint passes and input. Furthermore I've learnt so much from you as a man on and off the pitch . It's been an honour and a blessing for me to have shared a chapter of your career with you and I want to wish you and your family all the best in the future. I'm sure you'll return to Liverpool one day and be the leader and legend like you were in your playing days. Much love and more blessings . Studge ❤️

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